Contractor Management Solution has an inbuilt Access Control Module.
- Administrator can create new users, define their rights and access levels.
- Access control provides other checks at the System Level and at User level.
- Secure log in ensures that you only see the information that is relevant to you, maintaining confidentiality and keeping things simple.
- Fully administrative privilege to grant or remove access to system for contractors
Contractor Management Solution has various inbuilt check points to ensure greater reliability and accuracy. We understand that human error chances cannot be mitigated and the final output from the system will depend on the information entered in the system. In order to minimize the error we have built various check points in our solution at all levels i.e. timesheet, invoicing, credit note, expenses, payments and payroll process.
Contractor Management Solution helps the management in identifying the User who is responsible for the error by maintaining a log of all important functions. Our system assigns the user id to every task conducted by them in the solution. Thus, in case of any error one can easily identify the respective user and can commit rollback if the transaction has not been committed.